Jersey 53 again to supply the official BATC game jerseys

Well, the 1st of may has finally come! Time to create the balanced rosters, supply pitching, and the position players as evenly as possible and giving every manager a chance to win the 2014 tournament. At this point the tournament management is literally weighing the registered players and selecting them into the teams. This weekend we can present the first rosters for the 2014 tournament.Гоацин

For now we can announce the team liveries. We thank our supplier Jersey53 for their help and their major league quality full button shirts with tackle twill logo’s and Jurjen van Zijl for the great designs. The kids will definitely look like little pro ball players and we know from our 2013 experience that just by looking good they will raise their game and step up to the plate with more confidence.

May we present you the 2014 jerseys by Jersey53:
J53-net-logoadmirals_-_alternate_front bombers_-_jersey_red cavaliers_-_jersey_alternatief_goud_v3 falcons_-_jersey_white_front unnamed_2